Brad Brigham: Money doesn’t talk

Lum3n/via Pexels

Published: 05-28-2024 4:27 PM

Modified: 05-29-2024 2:37 PM

The poet and soothsayer Bob Dylan once said that “money doesn’t talk. It jumps up on the table and screams and shouts.” The times aren’t a-changing when it comes to money’s enduring influence in just about every aspect of our lives. 

The debate currently raging on college campuses regarding First Amendment rights and freedom of speech has a price tag attached. Jewish individuals and groups threaten to withdraw funding if anti-Jewish protest isn’t curtailed.

Tipper Gore was silenced in the 1990s when she protested the gratuitous violence pouring out of Hollywood. The Hollywood lobby cited freedom of speech as its protector. Tipper was ultimately silenced fearing the loss of support for the Clinton-Gore ticket. 

The Middle East situation is an ugly and complicated reality, but it’s made all that more unattractive by the role many play in the equation. 

Brad Brigham
