David Greenberg: Support CPA at Colrain Town Meeting



Published: 05-30-2024 4:03 PM

Modified: 05-30-2024 8:25 PM

I am writing to express my strong support for the adoption of the Community Preservation Act (CPA) in Colrain. I believe that implementing the CPA would offer numerous advantages, particularly for a town like ours with limited funds for items other than the school budget and roads.

The Community Preservation Act provides a unique opportunity to invest in the preservation of our natural resources, historical landmarks, affordable housing and community spaces. Every town and city in the commonwealth contributes to the CPA Trust Fund, but only those towns that adopt it get money back.

Colrain could conceivably get close to a 100% match if we adopt CPA at the 3% level. By levying a modest surcharge on property taxes, the CPA generates dedicated funding that can be used for a variety of important projects that might otherwise go unfunded.

One of the key advantages of the CPA is its flexibility. Unlike other funding sources, CPA funds can be allocated to a range of initiatives that benefit our community as a whole, such as preserving open space and farmland, restoring historic buildings, and developing recreational facilities. Adopting the CPA can allow us to leverage additional funding from state and private sources, many of which require a match.

The Community Preservation Act offers our small rural town a powerful tool for investing in our future. I urge Colrain voters to support adopting the CPA at the annual Town Meeting on June 4 at 7 p.m. at Colrain Central School.

David Greenberg


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